Professional Development Panels

AERE periodically organizes virtual events typically held online via Zoom.

Graduate Student Professional Development Panel Series

Experienced scholars in the field share their wisdom and experiences in panel discussions with graduate students as the intended audience, though all are welcome. These conversations are intended to increase student exposure and uncover aspects of the hidden curriculum in navigating a career in environmental and resource economics. Attendance is not restricted to AERE members! AERE members, log in to view recordings or past panels. Non-member graduate students, please email a committee co-chair for access.


Membership Committee Online Events

The Membership Committee works to curate virtual events that bring the broader AERE community together. From interactive webinars to thought-provoking panel discussions, these events cater to a diverse range of interests within the AERE community, and are not just about learning, but fostering connections, sparking discussions, and driving innovation. AERE members, log in to view recordings or past panels.